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Wellness at its best in Aquardens Park – thanks to Alpiq InTec Verona

When constructing Aquardens, one of the largest thermal parks in Europe, Alpiq InTec Verona played a decisive role: From the planning and installation of the heat pumps, the pool lighting, all air-conditioning systems and through to video surveillance. Special attention had to be paid to the quality and energy efficiency – and naturally the “wellness factor”.

Last year one of the largest thermal parks in Europe opened its gates to guests: The “Parco termale” in Valpolicella – or abbreviated: Aquardens. The services offered by the wellness temple situated a few kilometres from the city of Verona are impressive: The 47 degrees hot water is pumped up from a rock layer 130 metre below the surface and is the source for pools, waterfalls, grottos, lagoons and jet-stream pools. In these and in the spa area, on the lawns and in the restaurants on a site covering a total of 60,000 square metres, visitors can relax and enjoy themselves.

Equally impressive are the services that Alpiq InTec Verona contributed to the construction of Aquardens: The complete planning and installation work associated with the areas of electrical engineering and air-conditioning technology were executed by Alpiq InTec, as well as special installations, for example, in the areas of Security and Automation.

Two pumps transport the geothermal water up to daylight

One of the most complex challenges for the building services engineering experts from Alpiq InTec Verona was the extraction and distribution of the 47 degrees hot thermal water with the greatest possible conservation of resources and energy efficiency. To do this they use two heat pumps, each with an output of 2 megawatts. The pumps are connected in series and can be controlled and monitored using a modular controller.

The optimisation of the energy consumption and the greatest possible environmental compatibility were given special attention by Alpiq InTec Verona – not least on account of the dimensions of the project. With the air-conditioning and ventilation systems in an historical building, for example, specially curved and extensively tested intermediate ceilings were installed – in order to blend in architecturally with the antique building style and to increase energy efficiency.

Video surveillance and audio system in CD quality

All the electrical installations in Aquardens also employ the very latest technologies: Starting with the indoor, outdoor and pool lighting, and right through to the video surveillance in full HD quality, including an archiving system that fully complies with all legal requirements. Thanks to the audio system, which was fully designed and installed by Alpiq InTec, personalised safety and emergency announcements and background music in CD quality can be broadcast.