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Vote for Alpiq in Social Responsibility Survey

Alpiq Energy SE is participating in the Czech Republic's 2012 Social Responsibility Survey, which aims to raise the profile of the company and other entities that honour their accountability to people, quality, employees, and the environment.

Alpiq Energy SE can proudly include itself among the companies which, as a part of their business, behave responsibly towards the environment, the society in which they operate, their employees as well as their business partners.

A practical example of this responsibility was the assistance provided by staff volunteers in restoring the stability of forests and moorland in Šumava National Park as well as maintaining and cleaning the immediate surroundings of Karlstejn Castle. The company plans to organise more events of this type in the future.

This year the company is participating for the first time in the Social Responsibility Survey, which is sure to enhance the visibility of Alpiq and its activities. If you want to support Alpiq in this poll, you can vote electronically via this link:

You can find the Alpiq logo in two categories, since due to its long-term activities in the interests of corporate social responsibility Alpiq Generation (CZ) sro. has also been nominated for the survey.

You can vote for both companies in the following categories:

  • Business with up to 250 employees - Alpiq Energy SE (Prague)
  • Businesses with more than 250 employees - Alpiq Generation (CZ) s.r.o (Kladno and Zlin)