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Expo 2015: built on dedication and efficiency, provided by Alpiq InTec

Alpiq InTec has constructed two pavilions and equipped them with the latest building technology for Expo 2015, which opens its doors tomorrow. After the general contractor was forced to declare bankruptcy, Alpiq InTec took over the project in partnership with another company – with great success. However, the project was a real race against time.

Tomorrow – Friday, 1 May 2015 – Expo 2015 will be officially opened in north Milan. 142 countries will be represented, each with their own exhibition and pavilion. Alpiq InTec played a crucial role in the construction of two of these pavilions, yet no sooner was everything completed than the group was faced with a major challenge.

Initially, Alpiq InTec Milano had only been commissioned to construct the building technology for two pavilions – “Zero” and “Expo Center”. However, when the general contractor responsible went into insolvency in June 2014, the entire project threatened to turn into a fiasco: on the one hand for Alpiq InTec, with the threat of losing a large-scale contract worth EUR 7 million as well as all invoices outstanding for planning services already completed, and on the other hand for the Expo organisers, who now faced significant delays.

P&I: replacing the insolvent general contractor

Together with Bolzano-based company Stahlbau Pichler, Alpiq InTec Milano presented the organisational committee with a solution: the two partners applied as a straightforward replacement for the general contractor as a P&I (project integrator) corporation. Their commitment must have impressed the Expo management, as the general contractor project, worth over EUR 27 million, was agreed with the Alpiq–Pichler consortium. Construction could now continue.

So began a race against time, with delays of four months to the original schedule. Furthermore, the intended purpose of the “Expo Center” was changed: instead of a conference hall, a building with TV studios and offices was to be erected. To avoid jeopardising the planned completion date, Alpiq InTec deployed up to 350 employees on the construction site.

Electrical and ventilation technology with high energy efficiency

The specialists from Alpiq InTec laid around 13 km of cables in the two pavilions, built 125,000 kg of ventilation ducts and fitted 250 sensors and smoke detectors. Particular emphasis was placed on safety, comfort and energy efficiency during development and implementation, with economical and environmentally friendly materials and technologies being used wherever possible.

Thanks to the tremendous dedication of Alpiq InTec and Stahlbau Pichler, the two pavilions were handed over to the customer on time – starting tomorrow, Friday, they will be put to the test on a daily basis until the end of October. This contract held particular significance for Alpiq InTec: not only due to its economic value and the large number of employees involved, but also because assuming the prestigious role of joint general contractor was a first for the group – one which it found to be very rewarding.


About Expo 2015

Expo 2015 opens its doors on 1 May and will remain open to the public until 31 October 2015. Around 20 million people are expected to visit, and with an exhibition space of 1.1 million m2, this is the largest exhibition ever to be hosted in Italy. The topic for Expo 2015 is: “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”.