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Alpiq Prozessautomation modernises the electricity network control system in Winterthur

Alpiq Prozessautomation AG has been commissioned by the public utility company of Winterthur (Stadtwerk Winterthur) to modernise the network control system for the city’s electricity supply. The main priority is to ensure that the system is equipped to handle the challenges of the future, including smart grid technology.

The core responsibility of Stadtwerk Winterthur in terms of electricity is the distribution of power throughout the city of Winterthur. The distribution network for the city, which is the sixth largest in Switzerland and has a population of approximately 105,000, is over 1100 kilometres long and comprises the high-, medium- and low-voltage networks and the trolley network as well as 5 substations that supply around 320 transformer stations. The nerve centre of the electricity supply, however, is the network control station. This is where the employees of Stadtwerk Winterthur observe, monitor and control the entire distribution network.

Alpiq Prozessautomation AG has been commissioned by Stadtwerk Winterthur to modernise the distribution system of this network control system by March 2016. Stadtwerk Winterthur’s main goal for this project, alongside partially replacing the telecontrol technology with more modern protocols (IEC 60870-5-104), is to ensure that the Winterthur electricity network is equipped to handle the technology of the future, such as smart grid applications.

For the new network control system, Alpiq Prozessautomation AG will install the proven PRINS® (PRocess INformation System) control-system software solution. PRINS® represents the latest in network control technology. It is the leading software for monitoring and controlling energy-distribution systems. During the project, which will be managed by Stadtwerk Winterthur, the specialists from Alpiq Prozessautomation AG will be responsible for the engineering, installation and commissioning of the network control system. The service and call-out service personnel will also be trained to operate the new control system.