Award for occupational safety and health
The RoSPA Awards not only reward low work-related accident and illness statistics, but also incentivise companies to develop efficient occupational health and safety management systems. David Rowlings, RoSPA Awards Manager, said: "Alpiq Generation (CZ) s.r.o. and Alpiq Zlín s.r.o have proved their commitment to the health and welfare of their employees and other people. Companies that do this are rewarded for their efforts. That's precisely the purpose of the RoSPA Awards."
Milan Prajzer, General Manager of Alpiq Generation (CZ) and Alpiq Zlín s.r.o., is proud of the achievement. "We are continually optimising our workplace safety and health systems." And the results are impressive: Up to 14 April 2010, Kladno had registered 2,036 days without an accident and Zlin 1,553 days.