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Submit a project

Interested in participating in the #prixalpiq? Find here all information about terms of participation, selection criteria and prizes.

Questions & answers

Who can take part?

#prixalpiq is open to all municipalities in the canton of Valais. They can:

  • Submit a project themselves

  • Sponsor and submit a project put forward by students or researchers from universities of applied studies, engineering consultancy firms, companies, or individuals 

Universities of applied studies and engineering consultancy firms with projects related to water and its sustainable use are invited to contact Valais municipalities to ask for sponsorship.

What are the prizes?

  • The winner of #prixalpiq will be awarded a prize worth CHF 40,000. The judging panel will decide on the nature of the prize depending on the selected project.  The winner will receive a minimum of CHF 20,000 in cash, with the remainder of the prize potentially being awarded in the form of coaching.

  • The ‘winner of hearts’, the Judge’s choice award, will receive a prize of CHF 10,000 in cash.

How can I take part?

All applications must be electronic and sent via email to: or via application form by 31 May 2024.

Applications must include the following documents:

  • The application form duly completed, signed and dated (available either in online format or downloadable in Word format (in the "Useful documents" section)

  • Extract from the commercial register if the project leader is a company

  • Business plan in French or German (maximum length: 10 A4 pages), describing the project and including all information required to complete it. The business plan must include:

    • how water will be managed sustainably

    • project opportunities and risks

    • overall project cost

    • project implementation schedule 

    • expected benefits for the sponsoring municipality

What are the selection and assessment criteria?

The selection criteria are:

  • The project is related to water, a resource for various sectors: energy, agriculture, tourism, environment, drinking water, and so on.

  • The project recycles, conserves, and improves the use of water resources in a sustainable way.

  • The project is submitted by one or multiple Valais municipalities and will take place in this municipality/these municipalities.

Only projects which meet these selection criteria will be submitted to the judging panel for consideration. They will be assessed by the panel according to following criteria:

  • Level of sustainability 

  • Soundness of the business plan

  • Feasibility

  • Competency of the project leader or leaders

  • Economic and social benefits for the municipality where the project will be implemented

  • Level of innovation

What are the deadlines?

The deadline for applications is 31 May 2024.

The #prixalpiq 2024 will be awarded during an official ceremony in September 2024.

Useful documents

The application form can be completed either online or by completing the Word file and sending it to